Products / Height Data
Height Data
Photogrammetric Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) are available nationwide in a variety of formats to suit your application. Created photogrammetrically from our high-resolution aerial photography, our DSM provides a 1m grid of heights that includes surface features such as buildings and trees, whilst our DTM provides a bare earth model on a 5m grid and is available on a 2m grid in some areas.
Products available:
25cm Photogrammetric DSM
DSM (Digital Surface Models) The Earth’s surface including buildings and vegetation, with a 25-centimetre grid spacing.
Resolution: 25cm
Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse
Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse
Projection: ITM95
1m Photogrammetric DSM
DSM (Digital Surface Models) The Earth’s surface including buildings and vegetation, with a 1-metre grid spacing.
Resolution: 1m
Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse
Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse
Projection: ITM95
2m Photogrammetric DTM
DTM (Digital Terrain Models) The Earth’s terrain excluding buildings and vegetation, with a 2-metre grid spacing.
Resolution: 2m
Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse
Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse
Projection: ITM95
5m Photogrammetric DTM
DTM (Digital Terrain Models) The Earth’s terrain excluding buildings and vegetation, with a 5-metre grid spacing.
Resolution: 5m
Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse
Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse
Projection: ITM95
2m Contours
25m Photogrammetric DTM
Accuracy XY: ± Up to 3.0m RMSE
Accuracy Z: ± Up to 3.0m RMSE
Projection: ITM95
€25 transaction fee applies